I think it's really fun to wrap your gifts in retro wrapping paper. I love the illustrations because they really send me back. It's even better when I get another antique collector an older item and wrap it up in cute wrapping paper. Take a look at the retro wrapping paper from Cavallini on Amazon. It's a great way to give your gift a hair more character.
I know I would be hard pressed to rip open a present with this vintage paper doll wrapping paper. Don't you just want to cut out all the little pieces so you can play with them yourself?
I don't know why I think it would be funny to give one of my tech savvy friends some hardware as a gift and wrap it in this typewriter chart wrapping paper. I love mixing old and new together.
I would get so distracted reading this Les Bicyclettes wrapping paper. Instead of opening the present, you'll get a French bicycle history lesson! (If you can read French!)
I definitely think of my grandmother when I see this Sweet Treats antique wrapping paper. I've seen at least 75% of these desserts at many family gatherings, especially when I was younger!
For the most part, using this retro alphabet wrapping paper to wrap my kid's gifts is for my benefit. I think it's adorable, but I know the kids won't have as much appreciation for history like I do, yet!
Do you have any big events coming up this summer? Give your loved ones a great gift with super awesome retro wrapping paper from Cavallini on Amazon. It's the simple things that really make us smile!