I just stumbled onto the Scrumptious Venus Etsy shop this morning and I'm so glad I did! I'm enjoying browsing - what an enjoyable way to spend my Sunday morning, mug of tea in hand, pets snuggled up nearby.
Shop owner Sandra is a French ex-pat living in Southern California. She's found the most lovely vintage French things for the kitchen! Here, let me show you a few of my favorites.

Check out the astonishing bright pink color of this Peugeot coffee mill! It dates from the 1950s. I don't drink coffee, so I'm frantically trying to think up a legitimate excuse to buy this and display it in my kitchen.
This store has quite a large selection of vintage French coffee mills besides this one!

I've never seen enamel sauce pans like these. From the 1930s, they're described as an Art Deco Red.

If you have a retro red-and-white kitchen, here's a striking French enamel coffee pot that would go perfectly in it. I can't get over what great shape this 1920s coffee pot is in!

I'm not a big fan of the color yellow, but I have to admit this is a darling vintage French enamel pitcher. It's most likely meant for milk, but I can see myself pouring out some sweet lemonade from it, too.

I had a hard time deciding which of the lovely vintage salt boxes to share with you, and finally settled on the orange one.

This tureen is a beautiful example of ironstone transferware from the late 1800s. This shop has many other ironstone dishes on offer.

Imagine going to light your kitchen candle and drawing out matches from this lovely vintage French small wall hanging matches box! It's from the 1920s and made from tin.

Now for the pièce de résistance, as the French would say: Look at this gorgeous set of vintage French enamel nesting canisters and matching match box! Stunning! The canisters are marked in French for flour, sugar, chicory, coffee, pepper, and pasta. They're the wrong color for my kitchen, or else I would be sorely tempted!

Here's another marvelous set of vintage canisters, this time in yellow and white.

I can just picture a cheerful bouquet of spring tulips peeping out of this enamel coffee pot should you choose to use it that way!
I hope you enjoyed exploring the Scrumptious Venus shop as much as I did!
--Copyright 2016 Retro Shopaholic