You’ve heard it before, but I’m going to say it again, I LOVE tea! I have such a hard time not buying anything and everything related to tea. You can probably imagine my excitement when I saw these Retro-Inspired Teapots from Blue Sky Clayworks on Etsy. These are so cute and unique I had to show you guys. The store is fairly new too, so over time there should be lots of new products! Come take a look.

My favorite out of all the teapots is this Roller Skate Tea Pot. I think it’s probably because they took away my favorite skating rink not too long ago! Have you guys seen a teapot like this one? I don’t think I have. Plus it brings me back to the good times when I was a kid. I used to stay out really late at night roller skating around my neighborhood. Plus some of my greatest dates were at a roller rink! I can’t pick what color I want, because I love both of them.

This Crown Teapot is really cute. I do like teapots with a lot of texture. Again, I really enjoy both the blue and the pink so it would be a hard choice. Unfortunately, I’ve seen lots of teapots like this one, so it’s not my first pick.

I about died when I saw this Typewriter Teapot. This is one of a kind for sure. Writing, tea, and retro all combines makes one amazing product! This is just calling out my name. The only problem I have is that is seems like it would handle awkwardly. Though, I know if I was determined, I could overcome the shape. No one would ever expect this to be a teapot!

I am going let you all in a little secret, I absolutely love bulldogs. This Classic American Bulldog Teapot is very precious. The teapot might be the closest thing to having a bulldog because I travel too much to own a dog.
Check out these Retro-Inspired Teapots from Blue Sky Clayworks. Which style is your favorite? Keep in mind, this is a new store. New styles and designs are bound to come out in the future, so keep an eye out!